Title: RiME Genre(s): Action – Puzzle – Platformer Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Released: May 26, 2017 Company: Tequila Works / Grey Box
About This Game
Additional Information
FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS Solve Puzzles – Make your way through the ancient ruins and its hidden marvels by solving puzzles with sound, light and shadow projection, perspective, platforming, and even time manipulation. Find Secrets – Dive deeper into the boy’s backstory by uncovering dozens of secrets and collectibles. Be Enchanted – Take in a beautiful world inspired by the wonders of the Mediterranean through a fusion of captivating music and color.
Video/s from the Game:
RiME (c) Tequila Works / Grey Box A land of discovery stretches out before you. Explore the beautiful yet rugged world of RiME, a single-player puzzle adventure. In RiME, you play as a young boy who has awakened on a mysterious island after a torrential storm. You see wild animals, long-forgotten ruins and a massive tower that beckons you to come closer. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/rime How to Easily Download & Install RiME
Download RiME Here⇩
Size: 7.24 GB RiME v1.04 (A) [GOG] Size: 7.11 GB RiME v1.02 (GOG)