Title: Mark of the Ninja: Special Edition Genre: Action – Adventure – Stealth Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) Features: single-player Released: August 16, 2013 Company: Klei Entertainment / Klei Entertainment

About This Game

Additional Information

FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS Stunning Visuals – Unique 2D visual style featuring award-winning animation and hand-painted environments. Deep Experience – Each level has three score challenges, optional objectives and hidden collectibles. A diversity of unlockable abilities, items and play styles allow exploring many avenues of play. Developer Commentary – Over 25 pages of commentary, written by many members of the team and distributed throughout the game, provides interesting insights and anecdotes about Mark of the Ninja’s development Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility

Video/s from the Game:

Mark of the Ninja: Special Edition (c) Klei Entertainment Includes Mark of the Ninja and Mark of the Ninja: Special Edition Upgrade. In Mark of the Ninja: Special Edition, you’ll know what it is to truly be a ninja. You must be silent, agile and clever to outwit your opponents in a world of gorgeous scenery and flowing animation. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/mark_of_the_ninja_special_edition How to Easily Download & Install Mark of the Ninja: Special Edition

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Size: 2.35 GB Mark of the Ninja: Special Edition v1.0 [GOG] Size: 2.39 GB Mark of the Ninja: Special Edition (GOG)

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