Title: Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within Genre: Adventure – TPP – Detective-mystery Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) Languages: Audio and text: English Features: single-player Released: June 30, 1995 Company: Sierra / Activision

About This Game

Additional Information

FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS – A fully cinematic adventure game that lets you play both Gabriel Knight and Grace Nakimura – Discover the truth about the death of King Ludwig II and uncover the mystery of Wagner’s lost opera – Explore actual locations in Germany captured in 1000 beautiful, high-res images

Video/s from the Game:

Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within (c) Sierra / Activision The Beast Within is the second installment of the trilogy presenting the dark adventures of Gabriel “Schattenjäger” Knight. This time the protagonist is on the trail of a strange wolf, murderer of a little girl. Gabriel was asked to take care of this evil and suspects that this case is paranormal in nature. More info here: http://www.gog.com/game/gabriel_knight_2_the_beast_within How to Easily Download & Install Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within

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Size: 6.29 GB Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within v1.1 + Anthology (GOG) (This is the game Collection you can just pick the folder you need) Size: 2.44 GB Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within (GOG) – Compressed Size: 2.44 GB Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within (GOG)

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